02 March 2011

2011 is here! Please pass the GROGBits!

You know you've neglected your sparkly new blog when you sit down to write and you can literally say, "I haven't written in my blog since last year". But a good friend of mine encouraged me/offered a friendly challenge to me to dust the cobwebs off technopaw and be hold-each-other-accountable-to-blogging buddies. Loves it, loves her, here goes!

Pop Culture Goodies

I never thought that I would see the day when a music video combined unicorns and......James Van Der Beek but rejoice that day is here! James Van Der Douche, as Ke$ha amicably calls him (cute exchange between the two happens at 2:30ish)in her new video, "Blow" is getting down with his bad Dawson self. Check it out, if not for Dawson for the unicorn heads on man bodies bustin' moves at the dance club. Word.

What's better than unicorn heads on man bodies? Apple Products. MacHeads get out your Visas iPad2 got announced today, launching later this month. Need I say, I can has? http://www.apple.com/ca/ipad/#video GIV ITAM.

The Oscars happened.....as usual I lost to my husband in our annual Oscars Predictions Pool. Sad face. But I got more right this year than any year previous when compared to him. Happy face. I almost have my Oscar prediction up to the scratch they were at when I worked for Blockbuster Video. Oscar season makes me miss working there. That place had propane heat and was so warm in winter, and when it was warm it had a really nice smell. My four favorite movies this year from the nominees were The Social Network, Inception and The King's Speech and True Grit. Honorable mentions will go to Toy Story 3, How to train your Dragon, Winter's Bone, and 127 Hours.

This year, I also thought that the soundtrack (Original Score) category was very competitive. Trent Reznor, formerly of Nine Of Nails, will have an Oscar standing next to his Golden Globe on the 'ol fireplace for his wonderful work with Atticus Ross on "The Social Network". The music for both 127 Hours and Inception built great suspense and climaxes, and like The Social Network's music did a great job with the tender moments. Lately, I've been listening to this song a lot, a remarkable Hans Zimmer piece. Aside from "Time" below he is also responsible for the epic Gladiator soundtrack tune, "Now We Are Free" and selections from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" soundtrack among many others.

My dog...famous on the interwebs!
Awhile back I I can has chezburger captioned a photo of my dog and submitted it to their website. They let others caption with their signature font and while googling my own name on a whim, I found a whole bunch of other submissions that people did about my dog Ocean. It warmed my heart to know that people thought her picture was cute enough to caption it.


If you like eating food, check out my friend Wabzs' blog...it's epic! http://mollywabz.blogspot.com/

and finally,

Check back soon for such topics as dance, doggies, books, school and much more!

01 September 2010

Ravin' about Raves

A couple weekends ago some friends and I sat around shooting the breeze and drinking in preparation for dancing fun downtown. These days it's not a party unless someone pulls out their latest fave hilarious or cute video and YouTube or the interwebs and that night was no exception. We seemed to just fall deep into an onslaught of Arnold videos and I remembered how much I entirely LOVE this one in particular

Some other highlights from said night include, the favorite of the night: Conan the Barbarian, the MUSICAL....oh yes kids, it's real and it's amazing!

This led me into tonight googling funny rave videos for fun, and I came up with this Asianly infused instructional on "How to Rave". LOL A little lame....but funny nonetheless.

and since you've endured all these somewhat cheesy musings of mine.....here is a treasure....a really neat techno song I've been into as of late

technopaw out

30 August 2010

Thoughts on The Emmys

Overall, not a too bad Emmys. When I was younger I was really only interested in The American Music Awards, but I've found since I've gotten older I can sit in front of a more wide selection of these types of shows. For the gossip factor alone, they can generate a great deal of conversation......"OMG did you see what she was wearing?" But I am more interested and mostly watch for some of the great skits, musical acts and pokes of fun at themselves that Hollywood has grown accustomed to making.

The intro has been making its' rounds on the interwebs today, and I can see why! Who doesn't love Bruce....great choice for an intro and some pretty funny cameos....Kate Gosselin, like omg wtf rofl (but yay - her and her brood are one of my guilty pleasures).


The birth of Technopaw

Hi, my name is Krissy. I'm new to blogging but I have a feeling it's going to be a great outlet for my excess thoughts and observations. These observations might be made on but won't be limited to people, pop culture, how amazingly cute dogs are (especially my dog Ocean, as shown below), what the newest and funniest Internet memes, news and videos are and how my life as a university student is going.